I decided to post my experiences with various hair vitamins. I’ve taken biotin (review here), MSM, Fast, Hairfinity, and a lot of store brand hair, skin, & nail vitamins. I’ve also considered Viviscal and Nioxin but I haven’t gotten around to trying them.

This is the label from the previous packaging. Changes may have been made since.

According to the website, Hairfinity Hair Vitamins provide the basic nutrients for healthy hair. The supplements balances B-complex, biotin, vitamin C, vitamin D, silica, and sulphur (as MSM) to help create an optimal growing environment for healthy hair.

I’ve taken Hairfinity vitamins in 2010, 2011, and 2012…but not consistently. I’ve always ordered 2 bottles at a time (as in a 2 month supply @ 2 pills a day) and I have probably purchased these 4 times total over 2.5 years. I took pictures in 2010. when I first started them because I wanted proof. In 2010, I took the recommended 2 pills a day over 2 months. In 2011 and 2012, I switched to 1 pill a day so each bottle lasted 2 months.

All that’s a bit confusing but just comment below and I’ll clarify. Here’s my opinion of the supplement… I like them. I’ve purchased several times but I’m not very good at being consistent with anything. If I purchased more than 2 bottles at a time, I would do a whole lot better and taking them without long breaks. I saw good results with taking 1 pill a day. I also take a multivitamin and fish oil daily and calcium if I feel I need it. I noticed a difference in my hair and nails. I had no issues with my skin breaking out. When I kept track of my growth in 2010, I averaged 2/3″ per month. My normal growth rate without any vitamins or topical treatments is around 3/8″. I only kept track of growth my first time using them and the only pics I have are (unfortunately) low quality. I’ve posted them anyway because I think pictures say a whole lot more than words.


I don’t have a problem swallowing pills so I can’t really speak on that. I do really like that a serving is only 2 pills. There are many other hair vitamins that expect 3 or more a day and I think that’s far too many for me to bother  with. I’ve also had experience with other supplements that smell really, really bad (I’ll post about those later). I didn’t experience either of those issues with the Hairfinity vitamin. One other plus is that this is a black owned business. How awesome is that?! They also publish a newsletter with helpful articles on hair care and coupon codes. Click here to learn more about the vitamins and other products sold by Brock Beauty.

Click here to see pictures of my new growth (from 3 weeks in twists) using Hairfinity in 2013.

2014 Update:

I started taking Hairfinity again around September 2013. I started out on 1 pill a day. After my first bottle was completed, I then went to the recommended dosage of 2 per day. My average growth rate without vitamins is still around 1/3 inch per month. I bought a length check shirt at the end of 2013 and here are the monthly pictures thus far. Please note that the lines on my shirt are about 1.2 inches apart.

Here’s a side by side-


February 5, 2014


I don’t measure my hair with a tape measure so I’m monitoring my progress from these pictures as well. From what I can tell, I had about 1 inch of growth in December and about 1/2 an inch in January. I was working out more consistently in December- boot camp 2-4 times a week and running 6-8 miles per week. My diet was cleaner in December as well. I’ve averaged 2/3 inches since I started doing length checks.

You can also read my reviews for Priteva Hair Vitamins and The Mane Choice Manetabolism Hair Vitamins.

Update 2015:

I no longer take a hair vitamin. I haven’t for some time. I do try to incorporate a regular daily mulit-vitamin because if I don’t my skin peels around my fingernails and other signs of vitamin/mineral deficiency. I’m happy with the length of my hair at the moment so I’m not concerned with growth. My experiences with Brock Beauty and Hairfinity have not been positive lately. When I placed my last order, I used a discount code which should have cancelled out the cost of shipping. However, I was not able to select USPS as the shipper. I think UPS was the only option and was more expensive than sending it in the regular USPS mail. I sucked it up and placed my order anyway. To my surprise, my order was placed in my mailbox and indeed delivered by the postman- not via the more expensive UPS option that I was forced to select. As a customer, I was left unhappy. That was the last order I placed with them sometime last year.

As a business woman, I take a lot of time to maintain my blog. I update content regularly and make sure I interact with my readers. I have a modest following, but it’s important to me to maintain this space. I work full time so the blog cannot be a priority for me. I run this blog as a side business and as stated plainly above, I post affiliate links for Hairfinity. I belong to several affiliate networks and while the Brock Beauty website wasn’t the best interface, it used to show sale data and commission earned. This space on my blog has become a highly ranked discussion post on the effectiveness of this and other hair vitamins. Everyone is open to ask questions and share their personal experiences. Because of this, my links send a lot of traffic to the Brock Beauty webpage where readers can decide if they want to purchase a product. In exchange for the marketing- I should earn a percentage of the sale amount. For many months now- I would say about 9 months- I have consistently sent readers that resulted in sales and I have earned no paid commission. I have messaged Brock Beauty on more than one occasion to enquire about the missing commission. I’ve debated taking this post down entirely. Instead, I’ve decided to remove all links to the site and list via Amazon instead. Amazon also offers free 2 day shipping if you are a member of Prime. Unfortunately, while the Hairfinity product did work for me, I’ve been left unsatisfied as a customer and an affiliate.

Purchase a one-month supply here- Hairfinity Healthy Hair Vitamins Supplements 60 Capsules

Purchase two-month supply- Hairfinity.

The opinions and views expressed are my own. The product was purchased with my own funds. This is an affiliate link.

By Jay

An Afro-American girl with afro textured hair. I found a method of maintaining my hair in braids that I'd like to share! :)

178 thoughts on “My Experience With Hairfinity: Hair Growth Vitamins”
      1. Personally, I haven’t…but I eat clean and drink at least 2 liters of water a day so I never had a problem. Perhaps others will chime in.

      2. Im with Jay on this one. I drink plenty of water on a daily basis and I have a regular movement. Its good that you are going regularly now.

        1. I agree with you both! I eat clean drink ALOT of water and work out 4 days a week! I haven’t had any major breakout with my face. So my advice is to drink A LOT OF WATER! Which you should be doing anyway with or without using this product.

      1. You could try that…not sure how effective that will be because different compounds gave different solubility properties. But you shoild definitely stop taking them if it’s causing headaches.

  1. I took biotin 1000mcg and I have headache and break out on my neck and face. I used to take msm, and doesn’t feel right at all. I put it in my spray bottle and feel that my hair is dry. Have you try it on your spray bottle? I heard people put it in oil, like gro aut oil. what do you know about that?

    1. I have used biotin and msm topically. I don’t rely on things like that and I’m not consistent with any topical treatments. If you don’t like the reaction, definitely stop using it. I wouldn’t add anything to a commercial product like Gro Aut Oil. If you use a brand of oil, I think it should be used as is. When in doubt, speak to a medical professional before using any supplement internally or topically. I hope that helps.

    2. I would recommend doing your own research as far as adding supplements to your oils. Vitamins are usually best consumed orally so they can go right into your bloodstream, and you must know for sure whether whatever chemical/vitamin you’re adding can cross the cuticle barrier of your hair to penetrate the inside of your strands. The cuticle barrier is only semi-permeable, meaning that it only lets some things in, namely molecules that are small enough to do so. If a molecule is too large, it just sits on the outside of your hair shaft and does nothing to nourish the inside, which sounds like what you might be experiencing with the dryness after applying it.

    1. I take a multi vitamin, calcium supplement, and fish oil as well, so I usually take only 1 Hairfinity pill. That way I get at or around 100% of the necessary vitamins and minerals without going too far over. And, yes, I’ve seen results from those supplements.

          1. Thanks again I just went ahead with the website you gave me and order the hair infinity vitamin, Mrs. Jay how long have you use the vitamins and have you notices a difference in your hair?

  2. Hiya Kim, I’ve taken Haitfinity vitamins on and off over the past 3 years. I started taking them again around September 2013. I’ve finished 1 bottle and I’m on the 2nd bottle. I will take pics and do a full update when the 2nd bottle is finished. I haven’t kept track of my hair growth because my hair was tucked away. I do think these vitamins improve my hair growth rate. I know my nails and skin are doing well so far.

    1. Thanks for the information I’m really to get my hair healthy I’ve tried hair nails and skin , biotin, prenatal pill, just bought carols daughters new line of product called moni intense repair line on yesterday I order the hair infinity on last night I have to wait 5-7 days seem like forever, my hair is thin and short and about 2 month ago I wanted a different look so I got a glue in weave which was beautiful got a lot of compliments but when I took it out after 2 week slowly my hair started shedding ,I’ve done professional deep conditioning ,leave in , trim the ends i do have left. Now I make my own wigs and trying and praying for my hair to come back to me I promised I will take better care of it . PS I hope this product and those pills work

      1. Aww, just be patient and your hair will grow back and be fabulous! A wig is good idea. I wear my hair in medium sized braids under the wig and cover them with a plastic bag, then a wig cap, or just a dark silk scarf in the winter. Wigs are great for protecting the hair. A healthy diet and lots of water go a long way in growing healthy hair. I find that vitamins are just something extra and personally help speed up my growth. Good luck to you and have a happy hair journey! 😀

        1. Has anyone experienced any facial hair growth as a side effect? Do you know if that is a possible Side effect? I havnt tried them yet…

  3. Has anyone had problems with facial hair growth as a side effect of the vitamins? I want to try them but I’m afraid of that happening.

    1. Hiya, I haven’t experienced that…but I’m a hairy person anyway. Indian hair threaders are always trying to snatch up my hairline and whatnot, lol. I swear that just made my edges grow down further. I haven’t seen any facial hair growth that is out of the ordinary for me.My hair is very fine and sorta light so I just leave it.

      Hopefully others will chime in with their experience.

    2. Hello, never had facial hair growth do to the vitamins I’ve tried, biotin , hair nail and skin,now hair infinity i think we all have fine little hairs above the lip but righ about now if this vitamin grows my hair I would wax a mustache or beard off and keep it moving.

  4. I just starting taking the hairfinity and was wondering should I take both pills at the same time or one in the morning and one at night. Thanks for the input

    1. I think the general recommendation for vitamins is that you space them out and take them after a meal. I take both pills in the evening, however, and I do not notice any issues with absorption.

  5. Hi….. Does the pills still work if I have a sew-in or braids in my head, or do I need to keep my hair free of those things in order for hairfinity to do its job?

    1. Hi! What Hairfinity or any vitamin does is provide your body with the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that it may be lacking. It supplements a healthy diet and creates an internal environment that helps grow healthy hair, skin, and nails (all 3 are made of similar things and receive nutrients from our diet after all other organs). That said, vitamins work internally. External factors, like wearing a sew in will not effect how your body uses nutrients from your diet and supplements.

      However if you want long hair, you have to grow it AND keep what you grow (aka retain). To retain hair you have to take care of it and prevent breakage, split ends, knots, etc… You can wear a sew in but your real hair needs to be kept moisturized and not subjected to stress (too tight braids or thread) that will cause breakage.

      Let me know if you have any other questions!

      1. I have a sew in already and I ordered my vitamins a day ago… how long do I have to wait to see results

      2. hey .. do you have any idea about the consequences of stopping hairfanity ? i am thinking about ordering them but i think the delivery to my country will not be easy .. so i thought i’de order the 2 month supply to get my hair the length i want . will that work ? thanks

        1. I haven’t seen any consequences. My hair, nails, and skin go back to how they were before because the added vitamins and minerals are not there.

  6. Hey i am kinda nervous about taking hairfinty pills because i am a home remedy type of person but i was wondering have you ever heard of someone adding the. Codine into their hair products because i hate taking pills

    1. Hiya, I think autocorrect might have gotten you there but I assume you’re asking if people put the vitamins in products? I personally don’t think that is a good idea. I believe you should use them as intended or not use them at all. Some things are water soluble and others are fat soluble so a multivitamin is not necessarily going to dissolve in one substance. And I really don’t like the idea of mixing things with chemicals- like conditioners or leave ins- with other chemicals because something in it could cause a chemical reaction and produce something unsafe. There are people who put a single letter vitamin in oil or water (depending on solubility) but I wouldn’t go beyond that.

      I hope that answers your question. If you’re uncomfortable taking a vitamin, how about adding a green smoothie (mostly veg, maybe 1 fruit) to your daily intake.

  7. My hair has been slowly falling out for a year. I’ve been wearing half-wigs to cover it. I use to wear box braids but thought it may take my hair out more with the stress of the braid. I’m scared to wear my natural hair in public. If I take the vitamin should I go back to braids or stay with wigs?

    1. Hey I’m no doctor but you need to get your thyroid checked and stay with the wigs so you will be able to shampoo and deep condition your hair and use a leave in also let your hair breath at night and use natural oils for scalp I’m using the hair infinity vitamin but I just started using them so I can’t say a lot about the pill just yet because I just found out I have thyroid issue , but you definitely need to take a vitamins for your hair , I hope this help I will post a picture before an after once I get to the after

    2. I agree with Kim. You should definitely see a general doc or dermatologist to find out the reason why your hair is falling out. If it’s found that there is some sort of alopecia and the follicles are dead, vitamins will have no effect on hair growth. If it’s not a scalp issue, it could be a sign of something going on internally.

      As for how you wear your hair, a wig would put less stress on your hair so it is the better option. However, the sooner you find out the root of the issue, the sooner you can get back to healthy hair rather than covering it up. I hope everything improves!

  8. Hi,i’ve been using HF for almost 6 months, when I started I wasn’t using or taking any other vitamins or supplements. I started to see result but my face was breaking out terribly after 2 or three months.So I decided to add one a day vitamins, I came across the one for healty skin support. my skin is still a mess,now my hair started to fall out( one of the signs of too much vitamin A).I actually have a 4×2 bald patch in my hair. i have no idea what could have cause it.I don’t wear braids and I never have, I do put my hair in a pinup often. i really don’t know what could’ve done it, i went to the Dr, it appears I have alopecia areata. Naturally I started to research the cause and anything related to it. I came across vitamins deficiency and or overdose. This caused me to sit down and analyze how much vitamins and the intake of each I was consuming. To my surprise and shock, hairfinity alone in most cases have way more than the recommended dosage.This has lead me to believe that i may possibly have consumed too much of most vitamins but especially Vitamin A. the suggested daily maximum dose is 3000IU hairfinity has 8150IU and one a day has 2500IU. That’s 10,650IU.I am going to consult a dietician next week, but these are the things we initially don’t pay attention to. Although i can say for sure that’s the cause,I am glad that found out now rather than later. i may consider 1 hf tablet instead of 2. However until I know more about my situation, i’m taking a break from them.

    1. Seeing a Dr. and stopping the vitamins for now is definitely a good idea. Most supplements come in mega doses, meaning they contain way more than the recommending daily amount. Each person reacts differently depending on what our bodies need. While I personally haven’t experiences any negative effects, it’s best to listen to our bodies and cease anything that can cause more harm than good. I hope you figure out what is causing the hair loss so you can get back on track. Good luck on your hair journey and thanks for sharing your review. I know it will help someone. 🙂

      1. Sorry to hear about that and thanks for sharing your experience. Drinking a lot of water helps (at least 1 ounce per half your body weight in pounds; for example a 150 lbs person should drink 150/2=75 ounces of water a day). Even still, every body will react different. Fortunately, that has not been my experience.

  9. Ok. I hate to do this, but I came across a Hairfinity photo earlier and a woman claimed to have grown her hair in weeks. People in the comments were hesitant, so I wrote that I don’t take random pills. If the product is so potent that it rapidly grows your hair, surely you will have hair growing everywhere ie. mustache, beard, etc. I then asked if it was approved by the FDA or had clinical trials or lab tests done. When I went back to view responses they had taken the photo down. This troubled me because they have over a million likes and “our” women are flocking to it because of bogus photos they are putting up on their fb page. What if it kills you?! Read the DISCLAIMER (on their page)!!! THEY SAID THEY DO NOT OWN THE PHOTOS ON THEIR PAGE AND THEY DO NOT CLAIM THAT THE PICTURES ARE PICTURES OF REAL CLIENTS. Please before you try random pills that are supposed to be a “magic bean” look into it before it before it makes you wish you did. I wonder why they took the photo down??? If its too good to be true it probably is… I hate that these young women are wasting their money & possibly their health.

    1. I don’t believe everything (or most things) I see or hear so I take everything with a grain of salt. I tried Hairfinity for myself and it does indeed work for me so I’m happy with it and will continue to use it. I haven’t perused any Hairfinity photos but I do take pictures of my own hair and post to my blog to share with my readers. I try to let my pictures speak for themselves. I also talk about the effect on my body as a whole- skin, nails, body hair. Hopefully my readers are fully aware of my results and are making a decision with their best judgment.

      Vitamins and supplements are not ever regulated by the FDA, but there are independent “verifiers” popping up. At the moment, the market is largely unregulated across the board. I do trust Hairfinity, as it is an established company that I have been familiar with them (as in used their products) for at least 4 years.

      I do agree that perhaps “we” as a whole are too quick to jump on hair growth bandwagons. However, for me, this is one that has paid off. I know that it’s near impossible for me to consume the recommended amount of vitamins and minerals in my daily diet (this was especially true when I was vegetarian). I do take daily supplements such as fish oil, women’s multi and super greens. I personally do believe in what they can do for my body but I totally understand that it’s not for everybody.

      All of my current progress pictures and posts are under my Hairfinity tag here- http://minibraidmethod.com/category/hairfinity-2/
      I can’t speak for the integrity of other progress pics on the web, but my pictures are posted within a day of being taken and they are unaltered.

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing!

      1. The FDA does not regulate any vitamins or supplements. I don’t know if the company has conducted clinical trials. Check their website to see if there’s any info on that.

        Since I’ve written about this on several posts, here’s a link explaining what the FDA’s role in the sale of vitamins and mineral aka “dietary supplements.” http://www.fda.gov/Food/DietarySupplements/QADietarySupplements/default.htm#FDA_role
        There’s lots of information there. Basically, they monitor the marketing of such products. “Manufacturers and distributors do not need FDA approval to sell their dietary supplements. This means that FDA does not keep a list of manufacturers, distributors or the dietary supplement products they sell. If you want more detailed information than the label tells you about a specific product, you may contact the manufacturer of that brand directly.”

  10. So you do agree that the pills will provide good results if you take only (1) capsule a day and a multivitamin?

    1. Yes, I did see results. I prefer to make small changes so with any vitamin, I start out with a small dosage then work my way up to the recommended dosage. I also look at what I’m taking cumulatively in all my vitamins combined because I want to make sure I’m not going too far over 100% of the recommended daily value. Often times, a multivitamin with have ingredients that overlap with a hair, skin, nail vitamin. You don’t miss out on many vitamins or nutrients if you chose to only take one of two, for example. Hairfinity, like other hair, skin, nail vitamins, does have a proprietary blend of herbs that a multivitamin does not, so that’s all you’ll be missing out on. I say take however many you are comfortable with, without going over. If you aren’t seeing the results you want at 1 pill a day, just increase to 2 per day.

      I hope that’s clear and that it answers your question. 🙂

  11. I want to try hairfinity but I have a question is it ok if I take just the two pills per day like recommended or do I need to take a multivitamin with the pill to balance it out? I read that somebody who was taking the pill they took a multivitamin too.

    1. The instructions are: “Adults, take two (2) capsules daily as a dietary supplement.” I assume anyone who takes a multivitamin is doing so for overall health as that what they are for. Hairfinity’s claims of making hair ‘healthy from the inside out” are based on taking just 2 Hairfinity pills per day.

  12. I started out with a mowhawk and went natural about a year ago. My hair has always grown at least to my shoulders and wouldnt grown anymore. So I ordered two bottles of hairfinity in november and keot a sew in since I went natural a little over a year ago. Every three months I went back to my stylist and got hot oil treatments and a good wash and new sew in. My hair still only grew just a little. Every since I have started taking hairfinity since november my hair is down my back. It has grown so much my fiance who I have been with for 9 years was even in dis belief. I’ve always kept a short style so he has never seen my hair this long. I say all of this to say hairfinity is the first pills I’ve taken that has truly strengthened my hair and made it grow quickly. I wish I couldve kept updated pics like most of the ladies did.

    1. Thanks for sharing your story…and you can always start taking pictures now. It’s great to look back and see where we started. Whenever I’m feeling discouraged, I take a look at my own progress pictures. 🙂

          1. I emailed you, but I’ll answer publicly as well in case it can help someone else. I don’t take a multivitamin or fish oil currently. I took a multivitamin with the Hairfinity when I was taking just 1 Hairfinity a day. I was taking the generic store brand of One a Day Metabolism here’s a cheaper version called One Daily Metabolism. For fish oil, I bought whatever was on sale, usually from Vitamin Shoppe. Here are some results from iherb- http://www.iherb.com/search?kw=fish+oil&x=0&y=0#cid=1546&p=1&rcode=eki823. I was vegetarian then vegan for over a year so I stopped taking fish oil. I just haven’t taken them lately because I haven’t gotten back into the routine since eating meat and animal products.

            I don’t take a multivitamin now because I try to get my nutrients from food mostly. I supplement with a green powdered drink. I mix a packet of Genesis Today GenEssentials with some cranberry juice or lemon water on days that I don’t eat very healthily.

    1. It depends on how bad the damage is. If the hair follicles are damaged vitamins will not help the hair grow back. The only way to know for certain if the follicles are damaged it to see a specialized doctor. If the damage/hair loss is temporary then vitamins can give your body what it needs to grow new hair there.

  13. Just googled and found this blog today is Day One of me taking the Hairfinity pills so I will let everyone knows how it goes. I am currently eating no meats, and drinking strictly water.

  14. My order of a 2 month supply just arrived! Should I take one pill in the morning and then the second pill before bed? Or should I start with only one pill per day until I see how my body reacts?

    1. The directions say take 2 daily. I chose to start off with one a day, only because my skin is very sensitive to changes in my diet. Do what you are comfortable with. 🙂

      1. Hairfinity is a vitamin you take internally like a multivitamin or eating fruits and vegetables. What you eat has nothing to do with what you do with your hair.

  15. I been taking them since March 1 and everytime I take them I get a headache should I stop taking them

    1. If you are drinking enough water (half your weight in ounces), eating a balanced diet, and taking them with food and experience headaches or other side effects, I think it’s best to stop. You could also try taking one per day. I know MSM causes headaches and nightmares/vivid dreams for some people. I’m not sure if some of the other ingredients are associated with headaches as well. If it were me, I would cut down on how many and/or how often I take them or just stop altogether.

    1. I’ve never heard of that. The only thing that leads to weight loss is eating less calories and exercising more. These are basically a multivitamin plus some herbs that benefit the hair, skin, and nails. Perhaps that person was drinking more water instead of juice or soda and therefore lost some weight. I highly doubt the vitamins had anything to do with it.

  16. Ok thank u because I’ve started taking the 2 pills a day on feb 5 and no results yet but ill keep everyone posted

  17. I have been taking hairfinity for abour 2 weeks now. I have decided to transition to natural hair from relaxed hair. Do you think HF will keep my hair strong so I will not have to cut off all of the relaxed hair at one time? I havent had any issues with breakage and my new growth is at about 2 inches right now.

    1. Vitamins won’t make any difference to the hair that’s already on your head…so no. I only transitioned for 5 months but I think the key to a long transition is deep conditioning, regular protein treatments and no heat hairstyles that blend the hair- roller sets, braid outs, twist outs, etc…

  18. Hi, I’m planning on starting to go natural so I can lock my hair. I currently have a short cut circa Fantasia 2008. I was wondering if you thought hairfinity would be a good way to help me start my journey as I don’t want to have very short locks…

    1. Sorry for the late reply, Hairfinity is a great option to start your journey. I’ve found however that growing out a very short hair cut will take no time at all. With only a couple inches your hair can literally double in length so you will see noticeable change much faster than someone with long hair.

  19. I haven’t heard anyone say what effects they experienced if they started taking hair footy them stopped. Has anyone experienced result from taking hair finity, and then lost results after ceasing to take it or a hiatus in taking it (did you lose the results you achieved if you stopped taking hairfinity)?

    1. If someone has a poor diet then if they stop taking the multivitamins will mean their hair growth will slow down or stop.

      However have you seen many posts saying this?

      The posters who have problems point to overdosing on the amount of Vitamin A in the pills, or other medical problems they have. This is because no-one will admit their diet is poor.

    2. There aren’t any side effects from stopping, as far as I know. Your hair will go back to how it was before. The changes will be internal only. The new hair growing will not have the benefit of the vitamins. Hair that is already on your head will not be affected. To retain length, you must take care of your hair by deep conditioning, moisturizing, sealing, trimming split ends, etc…

  20. I just find this all hard to believe. Pictures taken do not look like the same person. The pictures are of people wearing the same shirt but showing different years. I’m trying the product because of the ingredients. Not because of the phoney pictures

    1. Lol! That would be quite the task for me to gather random people who happen to wear the same shirt but over the course of years. Not to mention these “different people” have the same bathroom and phone. O.o

      My progress pics were posted within a day or so of them being taken. You can look through this tag to see the posts’ dates- http://minibraidmethod.com/category/hairfinity-2/

  21. hi I just started taking hr a week ago and I must say I was never able to grow my nails but now my nails have grown. but I will be checking my hair growth at the end of the month because I cut it all off the day before I started the hf.

    1. I’ve never had a problem growing my nails long but they used to slice right off rather easily. With hf they are much stronger and I can have them all long at the same time, lol. It’s one of the first changes I noticed as well.

      Good luck in your hair journey and thanks for commenting!

  22. Are you receiving any kinds of compensation (such as money, discounts, free products, etc) for promoting Hairfinity, or providing the links and the coupons for Hairfinity vitamins?

    1. The disclaimer is at the bottom of the post. I purchased every bottle with my own funds. I pay the same as everyone else. I post coupons because it’s helpful and I try to buy when a coupon is available. The link I posted is an affiliate link but I’m not associated with HF at all. They are busy giving away products to vloggers with long hair and celebs who don’t use the stuff anyway… :/

    1. No you can’t! The HF website explicitly states do not give to children. Just let her hair grow on its own. It will grow and be healthy if you help her take good care of it. No relaxers, no growth oils or pills… Just wash and condition it regularly. Keep her hair braided or twisted with NO extensions. Moisturize with a good leave in like Shea Moisture Curl and Style Milk and seal her hair with raw shea butter. Have her spray her hair with water or aloe Vera juice every couple days and give her a satin pillow case to sleep on.

      Children shouldn’t have to worry about the length of their hair or how fast it’s growing. Healthy hair is what’s most important. And make sure she knows afro kinky curly hair is beautiful. My niece is 6 years old and her hair is very kinky, type 4b, it reaches the top of her pants. All I do is what I wrote above- I take good care of it. Nothing extra is necessary.

    1. It should be. The pills aren’t large at all. You could take them with applesauce and not open them up. But honestly if swallowing something is that difficult I’d just not take them.

  23. So your saying without the multi vitamin and fish oil sup your taking its possible that these hairfinity pills aren’t what was giving you growth?

    1. I took a multi and fish oil a few years ago. I don’t take them anymore. I was vegetarian for about a year and a half so I stopped taking those supplements. These days I eat a balanced diet and drink GenEssentials Greens whenever I feel like I haven’t had a lot of green vegetables that day. The only capsule supplements I take are 2 HF per day.

  24. Hi i have been taking hairfinity pills for about a week now and was wondering has anyone urine changed to a yellowish like neon green?

    1. Excess water soluble vitamins will make urine yellow but green is unusual. If the color is noticeably yellow you aren’t drinking enough water…most people should drink at least 2 liters per day. As far as the green color goes, I think it’s best to stop taking the pills and speak to a medical professional if you really concerned.

      1. Well i suppose green is a little far, but more of a neon yellow. I drink water but not as much as i should i guess. Thank you for the advice

        1. Try upping your water intake and see if there’s any change. If not, I think it’s best to stop. You’re likely getting all the vitamins you need already.

          Edit- and water from food does count. Eating lots of fruits and vegetables provides the body with some of the water it needs.

  25. I have tried hair infinity.. My side effects were severe headaches. I will agree it does make your hair grow EVERYWHERE. it was also helpful for nail growth. I do know if drinking LOTS of water you will not experience the skin outbreaks.

    1. I’m pretty headache/migraine prone (they’re hereditary). Luckily I haven’t experienced any headaches from this vitamin. I think the MSM could be the culprit actually. Thanks for sharing your experience.

    1. I don’t see why not. Look over the ingredients and if you have any questions, contact them directly.

      Hairfinity Ingredients 2014

  26. Can I continue with a perm? I don’t want to go the natural route right now. I also have a BKT (Brazilian Keritn Treatment), I guess I should have asked before I just ordered a 2 month supply, right! I live in Tel Aviv, Israel and a friend is going to bring them to me in a few weeks. I’m looking forward to trying them, but can you help me out with my questions? Thank you!

    1. What you’re asking is the same as saying “can I eat pizza and perm my hair?” The two things have nothing to do with each other. Vitamins help provide your body with specific nutrients. What you choose to do with your hair is your choice. I wouldn’t advise using a lot of chemicals because they are damaging to the hair but that’s a personal decision and everyone’s hair is different. If your hair can handle a relaxer and BKT that’s up to you. If you experience breakage or other issues then it would be wise to rethink how you handle your hair. Taking a vitamin, eating certain foods, etc…has no effect on the hair that is already on your head.

  27. Hi, im a Nigerian,Can we have comments from Nigerian consumers of this product! I am naturally not hairy and I constantly have hair breakage plus my scalp is very soft and my hair really doesn’t grow, can this product help me?

    1. Hair is hair, no mater where we’re from. If you’re seeing slow growth then vitamins can help balance the body from within. If your hair is breaking, there’s most likely an issue with how it is being cared for. I have an article here on what I did to stop my hair breakage- http://minibraidmethod.com/2014/02/how-i-stopped-my-breakage-fine-4a-hair/

      Here’s a blog from a Nigerian natural hair blogger. I’m sure she has some great tips for styling, products, etc… http://www.nappilynigeriangirl.blogspot.com/

  28. I was taking biotin daily for hair and nails…now I am starting the hairfinity should I stop the daily biotin and just take the hairfinity since biotin is in it?

  29. Its true that u lose ur hair with hairfinity? 🙁 because i do calvitie and im only 20.. I want more hair im scare to take it and lose more my hair??

    1. I’ve never “lost hair” while taking Hairfinity. I’ve been taking it for about 10 months now (off and on). The only way to lose hair is via breakage or shedding and I’ve had neither as a result taking vitamins.

    1. I guess that depends on your definition of “work.” I have fine hair- meaning my strands are very small and delicate. My strands have stayed the same. I haven’t noticed a change, but I am not taking them in an attempt to alter my hair’s properties. I have very dense hair- meaning a lot of strands, so I’m also not worried about changes in density, nor have I noticed any. I take these vitamins solely to increase my growth rate and it has worked for me in that way. I haven’t paid much attention to other aspects in my hair, therefore I haven’t noticed any changes in strand thickness or hair density. I hope that makes sense.

    1. People on various forums have reported having nightmares or vivid dreams from MSM. Hairfinity does contain MSM. I personally have not had any nightmares from taking Hairfinity.

  30. ive been taking HF for 2 months and haven’t seen any results…..in fact hair loss. not blaming HF yet something is going on. i’ll be looking into medical assistance ASAP.

    1. I don’t know. You’ll have to check their website to find out what ages can take them. I know that these are not for children. Many herbal substances effect hormones, etc…which is why it’s good to do research and not give to young people.

  31. I took hairfinity exactly as directed. Ive only taken them a week and I broke out on my face so bad…I will never take this again.

  32. I’m trying to see what product best to take for hair growth but with hairfinity do you excessively have to work out . I’ve already drink water a lot i also have a very strict and clean diet and I walk a lot and off and on(if my body isn’t tired) work out. But what do you recommend to do to maintain weight while taking supplements? Also what do you recommended the consumption period for products like these ?

    1. I do work out but that has nothing to do with taking Hairfinity. I workout regularly for my overall health and fitness. I don’t have any recommendations because the two things aren’t related really. Do what you’re comfortable with.

      I’ve taken Hairfinity off and on since 2012. The longest stretch with no break was about 11 months (starting August 2013). I took a different vitamin for a month then got lazy, but I’m back to Hairfinity now. I like my results. I’ve had minimal side effects (minor breakouts when I started again last month). I’ll continue to take them consistently. Just listen to your body and stop if you have any negative experiences.

      Edited to add: weight gain, loss, and maintenance is calories in versus calories burned. There are 30 calories in a serving of Hairfinity.

  33. Does hairfinity cause thinning of edges? And why is my hair shedding so much. It has follicle attached to it still though. Should I stop use?

    1. I haven’t noticed any shedding or thinning. If Hairfinity is the only change to your hair care regimen and diet, you could stop taking them and see if the shedding stops. Taking garlic pills or using garlic shampoo should decrease shedding.

  34. I have taken Hairfinity for going on (2) months. I have not seen a significant amount of hair growth but I am more concerned with the health of my hair the length. I have experienced some good effects and some bad.

    The good is that my hair is much more stronger. Before taking the pills, a substantial amount of hair would shed and break. Now almost no hair sheds and my new growth is thicker, shinier, softer, holds moisture and is more manageable. I also noticed the hair on my knuckles grew longer lol. My nails are longer and stronger as well. I wear a wig ( I removed the clips because they snag hair)]protective hairstyle] and co-wash my hair alot and been treating it very good lately.

    Bad side- I broke out like there was no tomorrow. I always had dry- normal skin and my skin was then classified as “oily” I never had bad ache in my life and I stayed on top of it, but as soon as one break out healed, another broke out. I liked the results the pills gave me but I felt like I was turning into a chemist; trying to stop the breakouts and trying to find a product that would make the ache go away for good (and I eat very clean to top it all off) .I finally went to my dermatologist and he looked up Hairfinity and said it was the Biotin and MSM that broke me out and that the product had no pantothenic acid to help fight ache. He said that I don’t get enough of it from my food essentially, it was breading the bacteria which showed up on my face in the form of ache. I was prescribed an anti-biotic and an expensive face lotion BUT was permitted to keep taking the pills.

    Result: I know that it sounds like I am taking alot, I am no doctor, but I went to see one and essentially, what they say is true, consult you doctor before taking a supplement!

    I am now ache free, I take 1 pill in the morning and one in the night time with a mulit- vitamin chew ( for the pantothenic acid). I also take fish oil. I still am taking the anti-biotic till its finished and using the prescribed cream and my skin and hair has all of the benefits of the Hairfinity pill, without the adverse effects.

    1. Vitamins are a dietary supplement. If you stop taking them the added vitamins and minerals will no longer be in your system. Your body will go back to relying on the vitamins and minerals from your food.

  35. I started taking them a weel ago, while sticking to my healthy diet. My face looks a damn mess! Never had problems with my face breaking out but baby! after taking these pill im hiding from my man he cant see me like this! Thank a lot Hairfinity! Im just going to stick with Biotin pils.

  36. I see that you took the Manetabolism vitamins which I plan on ordering tomorrow. All I see as I search for information on the pills is women going natural. I perm my hair every 3-4 months and I would love to know if I can continue the regular treatments on my hair along with taking these vitamins or if it will cause my hair to fall out?!

    1. What you eat and what you do with the hair already on your head have nothing to do with each other. As I’ve said in another reply, this question is like asking “can I eat pizza and relax my hair?” While both effect your health, one does not directly tie to the other. How you choose to treat your hair is your personal choice. Vitamins can supplement a poor diet, but you also have to take good care of the hair that grows. The definition of “take good care of” is up to you.

  37. Wow I haven’t been on here in a long while but was playing catchup reading some of your stories. I have been taking hairfinity now for almost 2 yrs. I also wear a sew in. Normally a sew in can stay in anyehere from 3-4 months but because of hairfinity I have to get it done every 6-8 weeks because my hair grow extremely fast. If your skin is breaking out its because you all have,allergies to something thats inside of the medicine. Do your research on what you are allergic too and not allergic too. I also hate sallowing pills but its worth it. I always try to take my vitamins before bed because your body is resting and normally any vitamin can take its course while asleep. Plenty plenty water and vegatables are the best. Try oiling your scalp with either olive oil or grape seed oil. Jay my girl you have been on your stuff. I mist say Im ready to get out of the natural phase because I can blow my hair out one hour and the next hour look like Diana Ross. Ewwwww chile. Also for the ladies breaking out with the dry skin. Try to keep water in your body definitely and use a moiaturizing cream for the face while taking these pills.. Good look ladies……ONE LUV

  38. Hmmmm, I have read a lot of comments about hair treatments and vitamins but I have never tried any except for natural oil treatments (olive, shea butter and coconut oil) which I just started fews weeks ago. Though i have used shea butter for some time as hair food. I usually relax my hair every 4-5 months but I have decided to stop relaxing and go natural because my hair is light and its breaking seriously. I want my hair longer and healthier but I am scared of using pills to grow hair, I am even more confused as to what product to use. People complain of break outs with HF and I really can’t contend with break outs cos they are just so annoying, I am still fighting the ones on my face now. Should I go for just biotin and multivitamins? I dont know what do. Does anyone have an advice for me?

    1. Honestly, your hair will grow regardless. If you don’t want to take anything, then don’t. Make sure you drink enough water for 1/2 your weight in pounds. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables with every meal. Exercise and treat your body well. Hair grows on its own. Take good care of the hair that you have by deep conditioning, using protein, and moisturizing often. Don’t do too much too it. Search low manipulation styles or protective styles on YouTube.

  39. I just ordered my first bottle of hair infinity and I am also scheduled to get box braids. I am wondering if I should wait on one or the other. Don’t want to spend a lot of money on braids to have to take them out sooner then I would normally. I know a protective style is good for the hair and may actually aid in the growth. Any advise, also I am wondering what happens if I stop taking the vitamins. Will my hair shed or break off?

    1. If the style is more important, you should hold off. They may cause your hair to grow out faster and therefore the braids wouldn’t look neat for as long. If you can do them yourself, you can rebraid the perimeter if it gets too messy for your liking.

      Vitamins will simply supplement the nutrients you get from your diet. When you stop taking them, your body will go back to getting the nutrients from your diet only.

  40. I just started taking the Hairinfinity I am doing the braid outs. Where I braid my hair at night and where it crinkled. I didn’t want to do braids and have to remove them early. Plus I’m doing the inversion method which keeps my hair oiled. Maybe this is a option for you too, Stephanie.

  41. I purchased my 1st bottle of hf vitamins in November2014.I’m on my 3rd bottle and have seen no difference,I’ve purchased 1 more,gonna c what happens if nothing…I’m done.

    1. There was no effect. My hair and body went back to how it was before. My body now has it’s vitamins and minerals only from the food that I eat.

    1. Perhaps, buy just 1 bottle and take 1 a day until you’re comfortable… If you don’t want to, don’t fret, your hair will grow regardless. 🙂

  42. Hello
    I heared about taking vit c with the HF to help breakout not to show up and also alot of water
    Iam goin to start thee hairfinity i hope it going to work with me coz i have been on roaccutane for. 7 month last year becoz of the acne
    Hope hairfinity dosent make any acne appear
    Dose any one here was on roaccutane and start to take HF ??

    1. I personally did not experience breakouts with HF. However, if you are acne prone and taking a very strong medication to treat it, I would reconsider adding other variables to the equation. Think about if possible acne is worth a little bit of hair…that’s really all it is- an inch at most for those using Hairfinity. Good luck with whatever decision you make.

    1. Your hair will grow regardless. Focus on caring for it and keeping it healthy. At your age there’s no reason to do anything extra. 🙂

  43. Would it be too much to take a multivitamin supplement while taking hairfinity? i already take a veggie supplement – so I’m not sure if adding hairfinity would be overkill.

    1. I took a multi-vitamin in conjunction with Hairfinity. Just go through each vitamin and mineral and make sure the combined amounts are reasonable and if they are over the recommended amount they should be water soluble so your body can get rid of the excess.

  44. Just got my order of hairfinity today and plan to take 1 pill in 2 days for a start. Your positive review of the supplement has been reassuring considering the reported scary side effects.

  45. I ‘m using Biotin 10,000 mcg Nature’s Bounty it works better for my hair. My hair loves it more than the Hairfinity. Biotin been around for many years and yes it works. You don’t have to spend 30.00 dollars on Hairfinity to see growth. I didn’t break out taking Biotin 10,000 mcg’s I take Biotin 10,000 mcg one soft gel only a day I don’t take it everyday I do skip some days and one tablet of Fish oil. I eat plenty Fish Salmon and drink a gallon of water daily. I also keep my scalp greased and don’t wash my hair to often.

  46. The Lady Soma Biotin is the third brand of biotin I have taken over the years. Although I have seen results from all brands, this one has been the most noticeable. I bought it to make my hair grow longer. It has grown about .5-1 inch per month so far (been taking it for almost 3 months). I wish I had before and after picture. LOVE THESE RESULTS.

  47. If I use the hair infinite pills do I have to wear my hair in braids for it to grow or can I keep my hair out

    1. It doesn’t matter how you style your hair. Hairstyles are not related to growth or what you eat/consume. Styling has more to do with whether or not your hair will break.

    1. I’ve tried maybe 4 hair vitamins. All of them were okay and I saw increased growth with Hairfinity and Mane Choice. The only thing I definitely wouldn’t recommend is mega-dosing on single letter vitamins- i.e. huge amounts of biotin. That threw my body chemistry all the way off.

    1. I did notice they have a bit of a smell. It’s not offensive, however and similar to the smell of a lot of vitamins. Check the date of your bottle.

    1. I did notice they have a bit of a smell. It’s not offensive, however and similar to the smell of a lot of vitamins. Check the date of your bottle.

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