I tried rice water and was shocked at the results…

I had really high hopes for this. My hair naturally grows slower than average- I get about 1 cm a month. My strands are incredibly fine and high porosity. All together a recipe for bald-headedness. Luckily for me, I’ve had long hair most of my life. I wear a lot of mini braids as protective styles in order to keep my hair long and healthy. Fighting splits ends is an actual daily battle.

With all that in mind, I thought…rice water…sounds like the perfect solution for someone like me. My porous hair craves protein and I could use a boost in growth. I started my personal challenge with so much hope… I planned to do a rice water rinse every day for 7 days. I took starting photos in my length check shirt in the hopes I’d see a massive growth spurt.

Day 0, I made my first batch of rice water. In a small mason jar, I rinsed some rice (note, I eat low carb so the rice was really old). I filled the jar with water and set it in the fridge over night. Day 1, I poured the water over my head and sat outside for it to dry out- without rinsing the rinse water. To prep for the next day, I added more filtered water to the same rice and popped the jar back in the fridge. Day 2, I repeated the same steps- poured just the water over my head and let it sit and air dry.

For Day 3, I threw out the original rice and made a new batch. This time, I left the jar at room temperature instead of putting it in the fridge. The cold batches didn’t smell fermented so I wasn’t sure I was getting all of the intended benefits. I can’t remember exactly what happened, but I think I already failed at the “rice water every day” thing and I skipped day 3. Day 4, comes around, this batch of rice water is very potent. I poured it over my head then washed (maybe cowashed it out). Then I realised…my hair was hella HARD and BRITTLE. Yes…it happened to me, a protein loving, high porosity, teeny tiny fine stranded natural. The rice water had my hair feeling like straw! I was shocked. At this point I quit.

I measured my hair on day 7 and realised I had no discernible growth to record. I won’t be posting pictures for that reason. I still think there’s a place for rice water in hair regimens. So many women have had great success using it. I think I did too much in too short of a time frame AND I didn’t rinse it out. I wouldn’t say I had “protein overload,” but my hair was not happy, so I quit.

So here I am, a quitter after 4ish days of a 7 day personal rice water challenge with no results. Take from that what you will.

By Jay

An Afro-American girl with afro textured hair. I found a method of maintaining my hair in braids that I'd like to share! :)

2 thoughts on “7 Day Rice Water Challenge”
  1. Hi! I have been using rice water for some time…and theres def a learning curve. You should rinse the rice in tap water…then pour boiling water over it…let the rice sit in the boiling water for 2-4 days…then use that water for a hair rinse. I do not recommend daily, I would apply as a pre-poo, let sit for some time…then wash and DEEP CONDITION WITH HEAT. Regardless of how you choose to apply, you must deep condition with heat! Good luck!

    1. Hello, thank you for your input. I definitely would not deep condition my hair with heat, as my hair is high porosity. Different things work for different people. I’m sure others will find your tip useful.

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