I’ve written many times about how important it is to braid the length of a braid tightly. I realize some braiders have a technique that does not allow them to braid tight enough for the braids (big or mini) to last a long time. I think technique is also the key to braidouts with good definition. In my observation, people general braid using one of two techniques…

Braiding Technique Number 1

With the first technique, the hair being braided is held at about the halfway point of the length of the hair. Each leg of the braid is clasped in the pinkies or between to fingers. The hands and arms move dramatically to complete each revolution of the braid. See the video below for an example. I look sort of awkward braiding this way because it is not my typical technique. The video clip, isn’t anything fancy, it’s strictly for a quick, simple demonstration. Focus on what my hands and hair are doing.


Braiding Technique Number 2

The other technique, I’ve both observed and used. The legs of the braid are held securely between the pointer finger and thumb of each hand. As I braid, I smooth the hair over my pointer finger to make sure all hairs are going in the same direction. The resulting braid has a uniform look. By holding the legs of the braid close to where I am braiding, I’m able to better control the hair and get a tight and neat result. Again, the video clip, isn’t anything fancy, it’s strictly for a quick, simple demonstration. Focus on what my hands and hair are doing. I braid at a slower than normal pace at the start. Midway through the video, I show you a more typical braiding speed.


Referring to my post on how to braid here: http://minibraidmethod.com/2012/06/how-to-mini-braids-that-last/ a braid done using the first technique explained above, will almost always look like the yarn braid on the red peg, aka the loose braid. Even if the hair is somehow braided tightly using Technique 1 (described above) the flyaways and short hairs will not be included in the braid and it will start out looking a bit messy and frizzy one day 1.

Again referring to my article on how to make Mini Braids That Last, the second technique outlined above will most likely to result in a braid like that on the blue peg, aka the tight braid. With this technique, the shorter hairs and flyaways are controlled and added to the braid. The end result is a neater looking braid. Keep in mind that when I say “tight” I am not at all referring to the base of the braid. I am strictly talking about the length of the braid. The roots should not feel any pressure or pulling.

Technique 2 is how I braid my hair for braidouts and mini braids. I do use Technique 1 ONLY when starting out a braid in the very back of my head. If I can’t get a good grip on my hair by turning my head left or right, I will put my arms up (positioned similarly to an overhead tricep extension) and braid enough length so that I can turn my head left or right and continue the remainder of the braid using Technique 2.

Click the thumbnails below to see enlarged gallery pics with close ups of the braids done in the video. Notice the amount of shorter hairs sticking out from the sides of each braid. 


Note: Although, these video clips are hosting on YT, they are set to private and I do not plan on sharing them outside this blog. I do not intend to have a YouTube presence at any time. Please excuse the quality of the clips, these were done for demonstrative purposes only.

By Jay

An Afro-American girl with afro textured hair. I found a method of maintaining my hair in braids that I'd like to share! :)

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