Since it is my 3 year nappiversary and my hair was super oily and I didn’t know what to do with it…I figured I would flat iron and do a length check. I’ve kept my hair braided almost exclusively since Nov. 2011. I’m a super slow grower so I’m thankful for every millimeter of hair I get and every one I retain.

The left picture is where I was at the end of January. I was still growing out an unfortunate hair cut that left me with 2 blunt layers spaced far apart.










I’ve trimmed my hair twice between now and then. I also cut splits and single strand knots everyday out of habit. The right picture is where I am now! My hair is curled in this pic so it’s not an exact comparison but it’s just an idea of where I am.

I’ve had to remind myself over and over that I can only expect my hair to do what it does and I cannot hold it to the averages and rates that others get. I’m happy with my progress so far this year and can’t wait to see where I am next year. Maybe I’ll finally think my hair is long.

Edit: I took more pics and I need about an inch before I can claim bra strap length. My hair is layered so once that bottom layer covers the top of my bra, I’m claiming it!

Edit 2: here’s another pic of brushed out hair. It’s still poofy.


By Jay

An Afro-American girl with afro textured hair. I found a method of maintaining my hair in braids that I'd like to share! :)

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