I was graciously gifted these Original Moxie products for review.
Get Clean No Foam Cleanser–
This is my first time using a no foam cleanser with a conditioner-like consistency. It will take some getting used to. I probably used way too much of this. I think in the future, I will dilute it some until I get used to a thick, no foam cleanser. The product wasn’t stripping but it didn’t have any slip. Combined with the deep conditioner, it made my hair feel squeaky clean.
Intense Quench Deep Conditioner–
This product has a very herbal smell, like most of the Original Moxie products I tried. It’s choked full of good stuff. It didn’t have any slip however so I was unable to finger detangle my hair during the wash process. It does have hydrolyzed wheat protein as the 5th ingredient, however. so in my mind I can treat this as a strengthening treatment and not stress about the lack of slip.
After 3 weeks of twists and intense, 900 cal workout sessions with tons of sweat to boot, the combo of the Get Clean cleanser and Intense Quench DC made my hair and scalp feel real great and incredibly clean and refreshed.

Shape Shifter Reforming Creme–
I’ve used this a few times with different styles. I’m sad I only have 1/2 the jar left. Perhaps I’m using too much. The first time I used this, it was for a wash and go following the no foam cleanser and DC. I did use a whole lot of it and was surprised at the amount of slip in the product. I was able to easily finger detangle at this stage. I used a lot of product to shingle my high porosity, frizzy, 4A hair. My hair stayed soft for a number of days, but the hold wasn’t as strong as what I prefer. The jar does say flexible hold for thick hair. That said, it would probably work better under a strong hold gel.
I used this again for my youngest niece’s 4C hair. She has no pattern but her hair is really soft and does not hold styles well. Most of her 2 strand twists stayed in. They were soft with no crunch. Her hair was a little dull but otherwise looked good.
I also used the Shape Shifter for a braidout on my hair. I did like the hold it provided. I was scared it would be a little too defined so I took my braids out after only 1 day (26 hours) rather than the 2 days I usually give it to dry completely. I’m a mid-week cowasher, so I need my leave in to provide enough moisture for at least 3-4 days. This product definitely did that. In fact, I had some residue on my hair. As a pet owner, I fret when I feel that coated feeling because I know by the end of the week I’ll have about 70% cat hair to 30% human hair on my head. In the future, I’ll try to use less product. I just love the slip this provides however. It’s hard for me to use a reasonable amount. Another down side is I’m not wild about the herbal scent. I also think it’s a little too runny to be in a jar. I’m afraid to spill it because it’s a pour-able consistency.

I used the Shape Shifter as a moisturizer/ styler to roller set my mom’s 4C TWA with small foam rollers. The set came out fantastic. Her hair is not very dense so I separated the curls A LOT and there was no frizz whatsoever. Her hair was soft, shiny, and defined. The curls lasted about 2-3 days but she doesn’t know the meaning of satin scarf. By the middle of day 3 her hair looked like it was gonna loc up, so she went to the salon for two strand twists. I’ll definitely try this style again with this product. She keeps getting her hair shaped up so it’s too short at the moment. If you are 4B or 4C and are still in search for a product that gives sleek roller set results, I highly recommend this product. It’s an investment but it’s worth it. You could probably dilute it some as well so it’ll last longer. Or just use a light hand (I think I tend to use too much of everything).
Hair Bling–
This stuff is amazing. It completely melted and absorbed into my hair. I used it on flat ironed hair and it provided some much needed shine and sheen to my hair. I layered multiple serums on my hair and all of them left my straight hair quite dull and lifeless. I was really pleased with what this product did for my hair.
I also used the Hair Bling to set my flat ironed hair on sponge rollers. Even though there wasn’t much hold (the curls lasted the night), it did a great job of setting my hair. My hair was shiny and incredibly soft.

Emollience Pre-Treatment–
This product is intended as a pre-shampoo treatment. I, however, have only used it after styling. It’s a great butter and like the Hair Bling, it absorbs completely into my hair. Like, all the products in the line, it’s chocked full of great herbs and natural ingredients for healthy hair. The scent is quite earthy.
Just Gel Styling Concentrate–
I had a 1 ounce sample of this styling gel. I knew it wouldn’t be enough for my hair. I used this product for a wash and go, over the Moisture Gel leave in. I only sectioned my hair in 4 and applied product in at attempt to stretch the amount that I had. This gel was too light for my hair. It has a liquid consistency- the first ingredient is flax seed gel but it’s not as gooey as flax seed alone. I had some hold, but my hair was not clumped like I prefer for wash and goes. Eco Styler gel is still my preferred product for styling my kinky curls and coils. Perhaps, I could have applied it to smaller sections and shingled for a better result, but I don’t think that’s a cost effective option for me.
The one thing I loved about this product is that it smells absolutely amazing. The scent is like sweet citrus. I would love a hair perfume in this scent.
Oasis Moisture Gel–
I liked this product. I used it as a leave in moisturizer under the Just Gel. It reminded me of Kinky Curly Knot Today. The look and feel is very similar. I think it’s a little too light as a leave in for me so it was just average.
The product that I would get the most use out of is the Shape Shifter. As of now, it’s my go-to styler for braid outs. I also want to try it out for roller sets. It provides the perfect combination of hold and softness. The products that were most intriguing to me are the Hair Bling and Emollience. When I think about it, in my almost 5 years of being natural, the only butter I’ve used is shea butter (and I’m actually not a fan of it…it’s one of those things I buy just because). The main ingredients in the Hair Bling are mango and tucuma butter, while the Emollience has a cupuacu butter and castor oil base. Both products got me interested in trying out a variety of hair butters. I’m very impressed by how well both products worked in my finely textured hair.
The Moisture Gel, Just Gel, and Intense Quench DC are replaceable products to me. I wouldn’t purchase because there are other alternatives that work better for me. The No Foam Cleanser is something I’m on the fence about. While it did a good job, one of the top ingredients is neem. I once had a very bad skin reaction to pure neem powder. I didn’t have any issues with the Cleanser, so I’m not sure if it was a bad batch of powder that caused a skin reaction or if it’s an actual allergy. To be safe, I’ll pass on this product until I can know for sure.
Click here to go the to Original Moxie website. Click each product name header to go directly to the particular item. Thanks again to Rachel of Original Moxie for allowing me to try out these products. The website is extremely informative and there’s a huge number of products that caters to various hair types. The quality of ingredients is really unmatched!